Simple Home > Transport Simplicity

Vehicles contribute maximum green house gases. Hence so much importance is given to this source of pollution for Home Exnora Yoga Practitioners. Home Exnora Yoga changes itself as ‘Car Exnora Yoga’ (or two-wheeler yoga) for the same reasons.

They are dealt as three subjects fewer than three heads such as

  1. Transport Simplicity described here under Simple Home
  2. Green Motoring which is explained in Pollution Free Home, and
  3. Vehicle Fuel Saving explained under Energy Saving of Conservation Home.

The vehicle, which you own whether it be a car, motor cycle or truck helps you for transportation. You ensure it also helps environment. Whether it helps or not, it should not harm environment. Hence you must practice Car Yoga (or Motor Cycle Yoga). Transport Simplicity is part of Car Yoga.


  • Fossil fuel is not going to be there forever. Use of fossil fuel also creates harmful smoke including greenhouse gases which are responsible for the Green House Effect.
  • Transport Simplicity means minimum use of automobiles, both, two wheelers and four wheelers.

Principles of Transport Simplicity

  1. The first principle is avoiding the trip itself if you can achieve the result by use of other options. You can talk it over the telephone / mobile. You can do video conferencing if it is important and the facility is available. Communication via phone instead of calling on a person in person also helps saving time that you would have spent in traveling and talking beyond what is necessary. It saves money that you would have spent on fuel and prevents exhaust emissions / pollution.
  2. The second is using the God given gift for your movement. Yes, use your legs as much as possible. You save fuel and money. You prevent exhaust emissions.  Thirdly a very good physical exercise which of course will help you in your physical fitness. Use of vehicles for transportation for places quite nearby should be avoided. There are people who use automobile for going to the next road, that too for walking in the park there.
  3. Third choice: Why not use a bicycle? By riding a bicycle, you save money that you usually spend on petrol. You save petrol for the future generation. You prevent air pollution. You actually do a physical exercise. By cycling you practice simplicity. If you feel shy to do it alone, start cycling in groups. To know more about it visit our website as well as Make cycling fashionable.
  4. The fourth is the use of public transport, bus, tram, train, mini bus etc. Develop the attitude for using public transport. It will take little more time, it will save you from the strain of driving the vehicle, save you on money spent towards the fuel, reduce air pollution, reduce traffic congestion, etc. But the extra time taken by public transport can be used beneficially by reading books.
  5. Next choice is while using a two-wheeler, motor cycle or scooter safeguard yourself by wearing a helmet.
  6. The final choice, of course, is using a car. Buy a car that gives maximum mileage and causes less pollution. The best contribution that you can make for cooling the Globe is to drive a vehicle which gives better mileage per litre. Every litre of petrol that we burn in our cars and trucks creates 3 kg of carbon dioxide pollution. Two KGs directly from the vehicle’s exhaust and one KG from refining and transporting the fuel.  Try and constrain yourself to using the car only when the whole family has to go out. Give others a lift when required.
  7. If you have many tasks to be done at many places try to complete them in the same day. Draw your plan in such a way that you are able to complete the task in different places in the order they are geographically located so that you save fuel. Use roads which have less traffic and are well tarred.

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